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Feeling stuck because of old trauma?

Keep repeating the same unhelpful patterns of self-sabotage?
Holding onto beliefs that are holding you back from reaching full potential? 

Introducing the brand new product in the Sober Sofa suite,


Heal. Breathe. Grow. 


Only £9!!

Four and a half years ago I was stuck, small and sick. I was using alcohol to cope with a career I no longer enjoyed and a busy life as a mum of two, juggling ALL the plates...


Until the wheels came off.


I went on sick leave and I started really looking at my life...


I created and worked my own program. 

I found a tribe.


I got to work 'fixing' all the areas of my life I wasn't happy about and I stopped looking for endless escapes.


I now live a life I don't want to escape from.


I travel the world with my family and I say YES to all the opportunities, free from fear and limitations.


And now, I share this with the world. My top strategies used to support my beloved one to one and group clients.


I've provided a digital copy at the lowest possible price, to ensure it reaches every woman who may benefit. 


Fingers crossed a hard copy will be hitting Amazon soon!

"I have poured in a combination of the most powerful exercises used in transformational one to one life coaching including:

Neuro Linguistic Programming such as:
Swish Patterns

Visualisations, Affirmations and Meditations.

With some of practical and essential life tools such as problem solving and action planning." Jo O'Connor 2024




Heal. Breathe. Grow. 

For only £9.


Once and forever.


It's my gift to you...


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